
There are many options for housing in Ottawa.

Inuit Non-Profit Housing Corporation which is located at 311 McArthur Ave, Suite 102, telephone 613-741-1449. Email to obtain an application.

Gignul Non-Profit Housing at 613-232-0016, 396 MacLaren St, Ottawa, http://www.gignulhousing.org/

Social Housing Registry https://housingregistry.ca/the-forms/  has list of the landlords that have subsidized units in Ottawa and surrounding area.

When renting, the common information needed when applying for housing is:

  • where you currently work, provide current paystub, current Notice Of Assessment from CRA
  • NTI card or status card,
  • where you lived previously, the last two landlords within 5-10 years along with their name, number and email
  • for what length of time lived at units
  • the number of children,
  • If you have a pet needs to be registered, vaccinated and neutered or spayed.
  • how many bedrooms you are looking for.

It is important to know about extra monthly costs, such as utilities’ payments: water, hydro, gas, type of heating, and if first and last months rent need to be paid prior to move-in.

Other building/neighbourhood information you should explore are laundry arrangements (laundry on site or close by), parking availability and fees, bus transportation, grocery stores, and school locations.

Other ways to rent an apartment or a house is to go online to kijiji.com or craigslist.com. There you may search the apartments and houses that are available through other residential managers, or private rentals for renting in all areas of the city.