2017 Strategic Direction Plan

Inuuqatigiit Centre has evolved as a major hub with a staff of 30, as compared to the original six staff; an annual budget that has grown from the original $386,000 to over $3.4 million and serving over 120 Inuit children and youth daily through a wide range of programs and families on an occasional basis.

Throughout this growth in Ottawa, Inuuqatigiit has been called upon by other cities in Ontario and from other parts of Canada, most notably Nunavut to assist in supporting Inuit families and their children.

The nature of being an Inuit organization in the South means that individual and collective advocacy is required to ensure that Indigenous programs and services reflect an Inuit perspective and that services are culturally appropriate for Inuit. Inuuqatigiit has worked closely since its inception to educate and support organizations, institutions and the three levels of government to ensure that an urban Inuit perspective is reflected in decision-making, policy and funding formulas.

The continued growth of Inuuqatigiit Centre, without dedicated core infrastructure funding has created significant burdens on the organization.

To find out more about Inuuqatigiit’s Strategic Plan 2017-2022, click here, to download a copy.