Category: Resources 1

What We have Learned from Our Elders

2003 Inukshuk Management Consultants, Mike Bell What We have Learned from Our Elders. A discussion paper. (Toward the development of the Nunavut Economic Strategy) The title of this discussion paper indicates that history is repeating itself. It acknowledges that elders have knowledge and wisdom that can be helpful, and indeed is necessary, in developing a […]

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They Came for the Children

2012 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Canada, Aboriginal Peoples, and Residential Schools: They Came for the Children This Report was prepared in compliance with the Commission’s obligation to prepare such a Report at the two-year point of its mandate. However, it has been written without a review of government and church documents, as the […]

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The Inuit Way

2006 Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada The Inuit Way. A Guide to Inuit Culture. The Inuit north has changed with astonishing speed since the Inuit Way was first published in 1989. At the rapidity of these changes has threatened to overwhelm us. However, Inuit are known for our tenacity and ability to adapt. Today our […]

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IQ: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge

2006 National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health Inuit qaujimajatuqangit: The role of Indigenous knowledge in Supporting Wellness in Inuit communities in Nunavut Prepared by Shirley Tagalik, Educational Consultant, Inukpaujaq Consulting IQ is a living techonology. It is a means of rationalizing thought and action, a means of organizing tasks and resources, a means of organizing […]

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Inuuqatigiit, Inuit Curriculum

Northwest Territories Education, Culture and Employment August 1996 Inuuqatigiit, The Curriculum from the Inuit Perspective “Inuuqatigiit is being used across the territories. It has created an educational link between the past and the present; a link that has been lost in some places in the north. It has helped reinforce the Inuit identity of children […]

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Inuit and the Residential School System

Inuit and the Residential School System The Legacy of Hope Foundation Ontario, 2013 The Introduction of the Residential School System in the Canadian Arctic and Subarctic The Aboriginal Healing Foundation defines residential schools as, “the Residential School System in Canada, attended by Aboriginal students. It may include industrial schools, boarding schools, homes for students, hostels, […]

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Saturviit, A Study Report on the Life and Concerns of Inuit Women of Nunavik

A Study Report on the Life and Concerns of Inuit Women of Nunavik Saturviit, Inuit Women’s Association of Nunavik Pascale Laneuville, June 2015 Summary of Findings (click on title to download a copy) Long Study-report Women are the heart of families and communities but their opinion on social, economic, or political issues in Nunavik is […]

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Inuit Childrearing Practices

Interviewing the Elders, Vol 3 Naqi Ekho and Uqsuralik Ottokie, Nunavut Arctic College, 2000 “Each society lives on through its children. Children have to become responsible adults, who can take care of themselves as well as their relatives. In this book Inuit childrearing practices are described by two elders from South Baffin Island, Naqi Ekho […]

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Inunnguiniq, Caring for Children The Inuit Way

Child and Youth Health Inunnguiniq Caring for Children The Inuit Way Prepared by Shirley Tagalik, Educational Consultant, Inukpaujaq Consulting At the heart and soul of Inuit culture are our values, language, and spirit. These made up our identity and enabled us to survive and flourish in the harsh Arctic environment. In the past, we did […]

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