2018 Inuit Education Summit

Nuuk, Greenland 13-15 February 2018

Responding to a call in 2014 by Inuit leaders from Chukotka, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland to education experts and practitioners to convene in a summit focused on Inuit education prior to the 2018 General Assembly of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC);

Recalling specific related mandates given by Inuit leaders at the 2014 ICC General Assembly, through the Kitigaaryuit Declaration, as follows:

Article 43. Mandate ICC leadership to promote educational exchanges, share best educational practices, and host a summit of experts and practitioners from across the circumpolar Arctic to recommend ways to develop or enhance culturally appropriate curriculum;

Article 44. Support training, recruitment, and retention programs for Inuit in all professions;

To read more highlights of the Summit, click here.