Princess Anne’s Inuuqatigiit Visit

CBC News, Posted: Nov 13, 2014

A group of young Inuit got the chance to show off their talents to Princess Anne during her recent visit to Ottawa. On Tuesday, her royal highness met with kids and parents at the Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families .

Karen Baker Anderson is the centre’s executive director. During the visit, two young Inuit girls did throat singing dressed in traditional amautis. And Anderson says seeing what one of the little girls did next was a highlight of her twenty years at the centre.

“She had on a princess dress… to continue reading the article, click here.

Photo Caption: Nevaeh Okalik and Mya Arngna’naaq-Boyer demonstrate traditional Inuit throatsinging for Princess Anne at the Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families . (Canadian Heritage)