Youth Programs

We believe that children deserve a nurturing and caring child-centred environment that supports the Inuit culture and language. We believe that parents are a child’s first and most important teacher. Our program supports the whole family as children are celebrated for the unique and special people that they are.
We work in partnership with families to ensure that children receive the best care and early education possible.


Right to Play
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
United Way/Centraide Ottawa

Tukimut Afterschool Program

Tukimut Afterschool Program provides a rich variety of afterschool programming to Inuit youth living in the Ottawa area. Programming includes cultural activities, physical activties, healthy living and homework support. Adjunct activities to Tukimut include art classes, physical fitness programs, Hip Hop classes and camps. Learn more…

Bridging the Gap

The goal of this program is to increase success of Inuit children/youth attending Ottawa area schools. Program components include home – school liaison, parent support and education, referrals, cultural awareness and education for teachers/school staff and child support and workshops. Learn more…

Akwe:go Urban Aboriginal Children’s Program

The Akwe:go program supports urban aboriginal children, addressing the specific needs of the children. This program provides a direct, individualized service approach to address the needs of children requiring additional supports. Needs are identified through an intake process, and involve the parent/caregiver at the onset of receiving services. Group activities and individual supports are offered. Learn more…