Youth Mental Health Systems Navigation

The Systems Navigator works with a variety of partnering agencies to help children, youth and their families navigate the mental health system, organize their care, overcome barriers and ensure continuity of care through a seamless transition from one service to the next. The program helps youth with mental health concerns identify barriers and challenges while achieving their goals with the support of health experts in the community.

The Systems Navigator provides:

  • screening,
  • assessment,
  • referrals and
  • advocacy

The Navigator assists Ottawa families who have Inuit youth experiencing addictions and/or mental health challenges. The Systems Navigator will help families negotiate the health system, organize their care, overcome barriers and ensure seamless transition from one service to another and continuity of care for each individual.

To speak to the Coordinator for inquiries or an appointment:

Kilie Dewe, Youth Mental Health Systems Navigation Coordinator,
343-550-4676 (Replacing Bethany Donnelly, On Maternity Leave)
