Tasiuqatigiit Program

Travelling or moving to a new place that is far away from home can be exciting, but also stressful. We may miss our friends, family and our culture, or experience frustration while learning how things work in a new environment.

The Tasiuqatigiit program is here to help. This Inuuqatigiit program is designed to support Inuit children, youth and families who are:
currently receiving care at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO);
residing in an Ottawa-area group home; or, residing in a foster home for the medically fragile.

The program ensures that organizations are aware of all agencies delivering Inuit cultural programming so referrals can be made to support caregivers in the delivery of providing culturally-safe spaces. It all hopes to bring cultural programming to the children and youth who cannot access programs due to medical challenges.

The program services provided with the assistance of the Systems Navigator include:

  • to create effective links between appropriate health and social resources,
  • to engage pro-actively with community, family and friends.
  • to assist individuals in maintaining resilience-focused wellness, including:
    care mapping, coaching, development of specialized care plans
    assessment and referral to appropriate health and social services
    advocacy and public education.

The Cultural Advisor’s primary role is to help create effective links to culture and community for Inuit children, youth and families. We will assist in cultural education and awareness for care providers and help to strengthen cultural connections.

Services include:

  • Inuit Cultural training for service providers,
  • connecting Inuit children and youth to cultural programming in Ottawa,
  • liaising with group homes and foster families to encourage community participation,
  • working with agency partners to educate and support caregivers to develop culturally and linguistically-appropriate care.

Heather Murray, Systems Navigator, 343-572-0544
Andrea Ann Carter, Social-Cultural Systems Navigator, 343-573-3329

Funding: Urban Programming for Indigenous Peoples (UPIP).
This program was created in 2017, based on feedback received during the engagement on the Urban Aboriginal Strategy that took place in 2016. UPIP is designed to assist First Nations (status and non-status), Inuit and Métis living in or transitioning to urban centres by the Government of Canada, Indigenous and Northern Affairs.