Below are publications related to our various programs. They are offered in PDF format as they are a common standard format and allow for easy download as well as printing if you like.
Inuit Children's First Initiative funding​​​​​​​​​​
set to expire on March 31, 2025
March 7, 2025
Ottawa's largest Inuit service provider, Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families, is expressing shock and dismay over the uncertainties with the federal government's decision to sunset the funding for the Inuit Children's First Initiative and allowing this important service to be cut for service providers at a time when the need is greater than ever as of March 31, 2025.
This Inuit Children's First Initiative program ensures that Inuit children have equal access to essential government funded health, social and educational programs, services and supports. It is similar to the Jordan’s Principle which governs First Nations and Métis children, but unfortunately for the Inuit community, this is not a legislated program like Jordan’s Principle.
According to the Centre, the consequence of this decision and the proposed changes in accessing funding in the future, is that Inuit children and families face double discrimination. First, by the colonial systems that does not adequately provide for their needs like other Canadian children. Secondly, by making Inuit children less served than their First Nation and Métis counterparts.
“This is a deeply troubling situation and an incredible loss to the Inuit community,” said Stephanie (Mikki) Adams, CAFM, Executive Director of Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families. “Our children and their families have been relying on these services and the programs we provide as a measure of reconciliation and as a means to care for our Inuit children in an appropriate and culturally environment.”
Adams went on to note that Inuit children and the entire Ottawa Inuit community are at risk of losing their rights without access to this program. She and the Centre are speaking out because they feel that this ill-thought decision will wreak irreparable harm on Inuit in Ottawa and that once again Inuit are left feeling lost and alone. “Our urban Inuit community is living away from Inuit Nunangat with no one representing us or advocating for our rights as Urban Inuit; it feels like we are already a lost community. With this sunset of funding, I am afraid we will get even more lost and forgotten. The government is doing real harm again to my Inuit community in Ottawa.”
The Centre is deeply concerned that with the funding for Inuit Children's First Initiative that is set to expire on March 31, 2025, that with the years of hard work already done to establish relationships with Inuit children and their families will be lost and many more Inuit children will suffer needlessly. There are also many uncertainties with accessing the funding in the future with the new proposed changes.
The Centre itself is at risk of losing 39 long serving, dedicated staff members in each of their departments. Last year the Centre supported over 1000 Inuit children and their families to be strong, healthy, and proud community members with knowledge of their culture, connection to the local Inuit community, and with equitable access to services and programs supported by their families. This poses a massive impact to our Centre and the families that we serve especially with the new proposed changes.
“The Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition is deeply concerned about what is happening with the Inuit Children First Initiative. We are a community and if one organization is impacted by funding cuts, all of us are impacted. Where will the Inuit community members go but to our organizations and we are not always best equipped to support them. The OAC fully supports the reinstatement of the Inuit Children First Initiative and to ensure funding is provided for service providers such as Inuuqatigiit Centre who works so hard to support the Inuit community here in Ottawa.” Mary Daoust, Co-Char, OAC.
The Centre calls on the federal government to end this discrimination against Inuit children and families and to restore funding to Inuit Children's First Initiative immediately and to ensure that Service Providers such as Inuuqatigiit Center are still funded for the important work we do supporting the Inuit community here in Ottawa. “These children cannot wait for services and their families cannot afford to pay for these programs out of their own pockets. This is their right and we demand that the federal government live up to their responsibilities in this regard,” said Adams. “There needs to be more action, accountability and commitment by our government to this call for sustained funding and to all the 94 Calls To Action recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.”
“The Inuit Children First Initiative is a vital step in addressing the unique needs of children living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. My child requires expensive treatments and therapy to ensure he can thrive and continue to gain skills. By providing culturally relevant care, education, and resources, we honor and promote his potential and empower children like mine to break the cycle of trauma. My child has accessed CFI for vital services like culturally relevant day care, behavior therapy, gross motor equipment, Occupational Therapy, and activities. Providing the appropriate services and care for a child with complex needs is expensive, CFI and Inuuqatigiit Centre has lightened the burden of caring for a child that requires this level of intervention. We are more equipped to meet his needs because we can access CFI.” Ashley Hilliard, parent.
For more information and interview requests please contact
Stephanie (Mikki) Adams, CAFM
Executive Director of Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families
Promising Child Welfare Practices
General practices in child welfare have led to an over representation of First Nations, Inuit and Métis children in care. Research has shown that this is linked to the poverty, intergenerational trauma, family and community breakdown caused by historical factors including residential schools, the sixties scoop, racist attitudes and general lack of cultural safety of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities.
The Inuit, like other Indigenous peoples in Canada, have faced significant changes to their lives resulting from their experience over the past few centuries. There has been a great deal of research on the effects that these disruptions have had on family life and current Inuit realities such as violence, family breakdown, addictions, sexual abuse and poverty can be traced directly to this impact on Inuit traditional life.2
There is a broad movement currently underway across the country seeking reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s “Calls to Action” included specific recommendations regarding child welfare practice.3 Those involved in the child welfare sector are seeking ways to participate and contribute to this movement. The Federal Indigenous Services Minister calling an emergency meeting and announcing $635 million in funding for Indigenous child welfare services is a facet of this reconciliation movement.
TO READ MORE, please click here to download document.​
Provincial Assessment on FASD Programs for Inuit
Inuuqatigiit's report serves to assess current capacity for FASD service provision for Inuit women, children, youth and their families and caregivers across Ontario.
The following report serves to assess current capacity for FASD service provision for Inuit women, children, youth and their families and caregivers within Ottawa and across Ontario. The purpose of this report is to build culturally relevant foundational FASD supports for Inuit communities.
TO READ MORE, please click here to download document.
Aboriginal Children in Care: Report to Canada’s Premiers
This report to Canada’s Premiers provides examples of existing programs and services that have been shown to reduce the number of Aboriginal children in child welfare systems and/or improve outcomes for Aboriginal children in care. The report highlights a number of issues and challenges, and profiles some best and promising practices along three strategic child welfare themes: root causes of abuse and neglect; prevention and early intervention strategies for Aboriginal families; and better supporting the capacity of the child welfare workforce.
TO READ MORE, please click here to download document.
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Report on the 2015 Review of the
Child and Family Services Act
The report summarizes what children, youth, families and service providers in Ontario said about the ways the Act affects their lives – and the things about the Act that could be strengthened or improved. Thank you to all those who participated in the review.
TO READ MORE, please click here to download document.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Provincial Roundtable Report
The enclosed report is a culmination of a months-long commitment on the part of dedicated roundtable attendees to share their valuable insights about how to best improve outcomes for individuals affected by FASD across the lifespan. It includes diverse perspectives on how Ontario can best support awareness and prevention efforts, and improve services for individuals living with FASD.
TO READ MORE, please click here to download document.
Research Report: Background for an Inuit Children and Youth Strategy for Ontario--Final Report
January 2015
The Ottawa Inuit Children's Centre is engaging with the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to develop an Inuit-specific element of a provincial Aboriginal Children and Youth Strategy. To help inform that strategy, literature on promising practices was reviewed.
Most of the literature consulted for this study is Inuit-specific, however there are also references to some Indigenous studies which specifically included Inuit communities and/or participants.
The review includes both promising and recommended practices. This means that some of the practices reported here have been tested and the literature summarizes the experience of communities, clients and practitioners with these practices. The review also includes practices that Inuit organizations and/or community members recommend, which may be based on their experience or on what would be effective in their judgment.
TO READ MORE, please click here to download document.
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Nipivut - Our Voice
In January 2009, the Inuuqatigiit received funding from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (Urban Aboriginal Strategy) to conduct a community needs assessment for Inuit children 0-18 years of age and their families living in Ottawa. The purpose of the project was to collect information from parents that would support long-term planning, enhance program and resource development, increase collaboration, raise awareness and improve advocacy.
Nipivut Executive Summary - Inuktitut (8 pages)
Nipivut Full Report - Inuktitut (108 pages)
Nipivut Executive Summary - English (8 pages)
Nipivut Full Report - English (108 pages)
Our Children's Songbook: Ilagiinut
A selection of popular children's tunes in English, Inuktitut, and Roman Orthography.
Click here to download yourself a copy of the "Inuuqatigiit Songbook" in PDF format.
Funded by Canadian Heritage, Inuuqatigiit, and Tribe. A new selection of Inuktitut songs for children.
Click here to download the lyrics to this CD.
Inuuqatigiit Program Handbooks:
Early Years' Parent Handbook English
Ilagiinut (Second Edition)
Parents as Authors Books Project
With funding provided by Public Agency of Canada (PHAC), nine Inuuqatigiit parents wrote stories which resulted in 14 books, 13 of which have been translated into Inuktitut. The Bookmaking Facilitation Manual by Cynthia Andersen is available to facilitate a Parents as Authors program at your organization.
Download the PAA Books:
My Cat Mitten by Deborah Tagornak
Samuel’s Family by Deborah Tagornak
Princess Angnowya and her dog Diamond by Sue Qitsualik
Colours by Christine Kudluk
My Body by Deborah Tagornak
I am Inuk by Lynda Brown
And Baby Makes Tallimat by Jane Truelove
Little Clown by Louise Metcalfe
Little Inuk Hunter Patunguyaq by Sue Qitsualik
Aqsarniit by Lynda Brown
Nattiq’s Big Adventure by Heidi Langille
Mommy Now by Barbara Cayer
Things to do Outside by Maryann Appa Mark
Counting by Lynda Brown