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Early Years’ Parent Council

You may join the Inuuqatigiit Centre’s Early Years’ Parent Council, if you are a parent of a child (or children) enrolled in an Inuuqatigiit Early Years’ (EY) program: Sivummut Head Start or Tumiralaat Child Care, and can volunteer 2 hours every 2 months. The Parent Council Terms of Reference Illinniaqtilaat  was written November 2012. Click here to download a copy of the PC Terms of Reference IllinniaqtilaatNov ’12.

This is a great opportunity to provide input, find solutions and guide Inuuqatigiit children’s program with the Early Years Manager.

Becoming a Parent Council Member allows you:

  • To guide the development and progress of EY programs and make suggestions for improvements;

  • To be aware of how the six Aboriginal Head Start components are included in EY programming;

  • To provide advice and input into how to further incorporate the six components into EY programming;

  • To support and advise the EY Manager in program development and evaluation;

  • To participate in the hiring process of EY staff;

  • To promote the inclusion of culture and language in EY’s programs;

  • To provide input into the EY Annual work plan;

  • To provide input into the development or revisions of operational policies.

To learn more about the Parent Council and how you can join contact:

Early Years Manager, 613-744-3133, ext. 228

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