Education Department
Student Supportive Services
As the needs of the community continue to grow so does the Education Department. The Education Manager continue to grow the student support services team. The team comprises of:
Manager (1),
Coordinators (4),
Student Support Services Workers (4),
Cultural Student Support Worker / Presenter (3),
Presenters (2),
Youth Mentors (1)
Educational System Navigator (1),
Career counsellor (1)
The Education Department offers several programs designed to meet the educational needs of the Inuit Community and surrounding Ottawa Valley. Student Support Services team provide a variety of wraparound supports, each year, intended to:
Build awareness of Inuit culture and language with community partners.
Support the school board to follow the TRC when it comes to school recommendations.
Support attendance at school.
Increase student engagement.
Increase comfort and ability of parents to advocate for their children.
Increase the feeling of safety and/or comfort of parents and students attending educational planning meetings.
Increase Iunit Cultural Supports in schools.
Improve parental engagement in school communities.
Improve access to Authentic Student Learning Experiences with an Inuit focus.
Improve employable skills on their working journey.
Advocate for and support individualized success at school.
Advocate for access to additional school support.
Expand access to community supports for Inuit students, families, caregivers, etc.
Develop more access to cultural support for the clients we support.
Help children, youth and their families prepare for school entry.
Education Department programs described below have been developed to support the achievement of these goals. Programs are funded through various partners, including the Ministry of Education, Employment Social Development Canada ,Ontario Federation Indigenous Friendship Centre, Indigenous Services Canada ( CFI ) . Ottawa Carleton District School Board ( OCDSB). As needs change, the Education Department continues to evolve and grow in order to support the Inuit community in Ottawa and area.
Any questions related to the Education Department please reach out to Inini McHugh , If you need to book any Presentations please contact Holly Alguire, If you like to make a referral for individual support, please contact Leila Navabzadeh-Szabo.
Nopiming Inini McHugh, CYW
Manager of Education
Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families
c: 613-697-5129
595 Montreal Road, Suite 500
Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4K4
Holly Alguire
Education Department
Bridging the Gap Coordinator
Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families
e: btgcoordinator@inuuqatigiit.ca
c: 343-574-9090
Hardini Centre
235 Donald St
Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4B7
Leila Navabzadeh-Szabo
Education System Navigator – Education Department
e: educationsystemnavigator@inuuqatigiit.ca
c: 343-597-9375
Hardini Centre, 235 Donald St.
Ottawa, Ontario K1K 1N1