Community Initiatives and Mental Health: 595 Montreal Road, Suite 507• Ottawa, ON • K1K 4L2 • CANADA

Inuutiarnirmut Katujjiqatigiit Mental Health Counselling
Provides mental health counselling services to children, youth and adults to facilitate healing and well-being. Through culturally centered counselling, that includes cognitive behavioural therapy, play therapy, support from Elders, and other approaches, people gain new awareness and ways of coping with issues such as anxiety, depression, behavioural concerns, addictions, trauma, relationships, stress and more. Individual and group sessions are offered.
Debra Williams, Mental Wellness Counsellor 343-571-3169
Natasha Penny – Child & Youth Counsellor 613-327-9843
Youth Justice Program
This program provides culturally centered systems navigation and mental health supports for Inuit youth
(12 to 18 years) looking for assistance and information on the justice system. Services include prevention support, outreach, case management education, court support and mental health counselling.
Elsa Barnes Philp – Youth Justice Counsellor and Coordinator 343-575-0818, Jonah Petric – Youth Justice Liaison Worker 343-572-8600

Child First Initiative
This program helps families obtain the educational, cultural, social and health services that their children require, by assisting families to apply for funding through the Child First Initiative. Additionally, the program offers Integrated Plan of Care (IPC) services, case management and service coordination for children and youth with complex needs. The IPC process ensures that services are in place and coordinated between service providers.
Andrea Fox – Child First Initiative Coordinator 343-543-3500
Youth Mental Health System Navigation
This program provides children, youth and families with help to navigate educational, social, health and other service systems to help reduce barriers and gain access to the services that they need. Case management, referrals and support services are provided as well as additional assistance with Child First Initiative applications and Integrated Plans of Care. Kilie Dewe – Systems Navigator 343-550-4676
Legal Assistance Program​
The Inuit Legal Support Program is a joint project with Inuuqatigiit and Tungasuvvingat Inuit.
The focus of the program includes:
Information Sessions about the Justice System
Offering public information sessions about specific areas of law (example: the criminal law process) and specific topics (example: the steps for obtaining a record suspension)
Judicial System Navigation
Individual support in navigating the legal system (finding a lawyer or other community resources, attending court with you, advocacy).
Cultural Awareness Development with the Justice System
The Legal Support Program offer information on the legal system itself and support to the individual directly by connecting them with resources and information that will assist them with decision making that is right for them on the legal matter you are facing.
​All inquiries for the CIMH program: 613-744-3133 ext. 212